With so many people concerned about their fundamental rights, what better way to investigate them than to examine how they have taken shape in our courts.  As a former Administrative Assistant and In Pro Tem Administrator for UCLA’s Extension Law School Paralegal Program it was my responsibility to research alternative textbooks.  The books recommended in our Store are those of the highest calibre and used by some of the most respected law schools in the U.S.  Whether your interest in your civil rights goes beyond a political discussion to a formal course in law or paralegal studies then the books in our Store will be of great interest and at an excellent price from our partners. And, as the link between politics and law is inseparable, no bookstore would be complete without a selection of key books on political theory. 

Law Bookstore

Thomas West on Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law - Thomas West
Criminal Law
Criminal Law - A Hornbook by West Publishing.
Legal Writing Style
Legal Writing Style - A Hornbook by West Academic Publishing
Legal Ethics - A Hornbook by West Publishing
Legal Ethics - A Hornbook by West Publishing
Hornbooks on Torts
Hornbook On Torts - by West Publishing

Political Science Bookstore

Common Sense - by Thomas Paine
Common Sense - Thomas Paine
On Liberty
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill
The Federalist Papers - James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay
The Federalist Papers - Essays That Supported Our Constitutional Government with Its Separation of Powers
The Rights of Man
The Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli

Our Paralegal Publications & Services

We offer free legal briefs  to attorneys and law firms throughout the U.S. and Michigan in particular (all requests in Arizona).  Our speciality is in aiding council in developing the finer points in challenging the constitutionality of a State statute, criminal or civil, or where counsel wishes to examine constitutional violations either on procedural or substantive grounds.

We have pre-prepared legal briefs focusing on key issues in the following areas (9th District Federal Court Format):

Debtors Prison
14th Amendment; Prohibition Against Debtors Prison
14th Amendment; Excessive Bail
14th Amendment; Excessive Bail
1964 Civil Rights
1964 Civil Rights Act

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By following the links provided you help support this website and our work as we earn a modest referral fee. 

Thank you!

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